You know, I don’t consider myself a man of many talents, but there is one talent in particular that I do feel incredibly proud of, and that is the ability to speak sarcasm rather fluently. I consider sarcasm a close, personal friend, and one that has stuck by me for many years. And in all my years of experience with sarcasm, I have come to find that it can be used in several different ways. Some of those ways can be good, but more often than not, some of those ways can be bad.
Recently, I have found myself experiencing the latter more often than anything else. And you know something, I think I have finally reached my limit on the amount of negative sarcastic BS that I am able to handle without saying something about it, and changing things for what I think will end up being for the best. Let me expound on that just a little bit.
Anytime you do something, say something, share something, there is always going to be at least one person that has some kind of issue with it. Maybe they are offended by it, maybe they do not agree with it, or maybe they are seeing it so much from you and several of their other friends that they are being completely inundated with one topic, and they are tired of it. And you know, to be completely honest, I totally understand that. I am seeing the exact same type of thing from several different people, and most times it is something that I am not interested in any way whatsoever.
And I will be the absolute first person to admit that ya, I can get kind of obnoxious with the amount of things and the types of things that I choose to share or talk about. There are certain things that I think are funny, or cool, or there are things that I think other friends of mine will like, so instead of taking the time to share those things with all of those individual people, I just share it with the masses, because even if I did take the time to share it with just a select few individuals, everyone is going to see it anyway.
Now, to the people that I annoy, offend, bother, or just plain irritate, I just want to take a minute and thank you. Thank you for either ignoring me, scrolling right by me, or by either telling me, or by just unfriending or blocking me. To the people that choose instead to comment on things with a sarcastic tone with a hint of a deeper meaning, to the people that talk negatively behind my back (I have no idea if there is any, but I am sure there is at least one), why don’t you grow the hell up, grow a damn backbone, and come air your issues with me in person, or send me a message directly. I am not a hard person to find. Or better yet, just unfriend me. Because honestly, I really feel that I no longer have time to deal with or associate with people who are going to be perpetually negative all the time. It is really starting to rub off on me, and it's starting to affect me and the people that I do decide to surround myself with.
I too was going to decide to play by that same, childish game, cause I am really good at that as well. But after a discussion with my amazing wife, things kind of clicked in my head, and I then decided to grow up, and decided that life is much too short to waste my time trying to cater to the people that are choosing to live in a constant state of negativity. If being that way suits your lifestyle, then that is what will work for you. But I feel that no longer needs to be a part of my life. And you know, if I end up losing a few friends over the fact that I am refusing to participate in their childish little games, then I guess we were never really that good of friends in the first place.
Good for you, 2 thumbs up !