Sunday, May 31, 2015

Cool Ideas that will Probably Never Happen...

Well, it looks like the post I wanted to do for May might actually get posted in May.  Granted it is the last day in May, but hey….better late than never.  

Looking through the folders in my Google Drive account, I have a folder called “Cool Ideas that will Probably Never Happen.”  

Now, most people would think, Cool Ideas that will Probably Never Happen, why would you do that to yourself?  That seems so negative.

And ya, one might perceive the name of this file of mine as a pretty negative thing, but I am looking at it as a positive thing.  Let me tell you why.

You see….lately...I have been feeling very scared to write anything new.  Maybe even very gun shy to produce any new content.  And, for the life of me, I can’t seem to figure out why.  Ever since my last blog post, where I put my personal writing out into the world, it has brought back the terrible, horrible, beast of a creature that I thought I had a pretty good handle on.  This creature that I am referring to is one that writers all over the world are all too familiar with, and that creature is known as The Inner Editor.

At first, I thought that it might be another well known enemy of the writer, commonly known as Writer’s Block, but it’s not that I have a lack of ideas, it’s just that for some reason, I can’t get any of them out.  I mean, I sit, staring at my screen for hours, just waiting for something to come out, but nothing ever comes.  And, on the very seldom occasion that something does come, I never manage to get very far due to the fact that nothing that makes it’s way out of my brain lasts very long, as I find the need to edit, edit, and edit some more, because “Reader A” or “Reader B” may not like my idea, may not think it’s as cool as I do, or any other number of excuses that I manage to come up with.

And I know, you just need to ignore your Inner Editor, or “you just need to get your story out and edit later,” or don’t write for others, write for yourself.  And usually, all of the above answers, or even a combination of these answers usually does the trick for me.  But lately, this has been easier said than done.  

Now, if you have made it through this much of my post, you may be asking yourself, “Hachi Machi...what does any of this have to do with the Cool Ideas that will Probably Never Happen folder that he talked about in the first part of this post?”  Well, let me tell you...

This is where all of the cool ideas that I have been coming up with are getting stored.  Story Ideas, Project Ideas, New Podcast Ideas, and a bunch of other stuff.  I guess in some sort of weird way, I am hoping that by seeing this folder every time I open up my Google Drive account, that I might finally get the courage that I have been lacking to put new content out into the world.  Hey, maybe I might even blog about some of my ideas.  Maybe that might help. Hey, a guy can hope, can’t he?

1 comment:

  1. If you don't mind some feedback from someone who still considers himself a novice at everything in life, I like the idea of ignoring what reader "A" or reader "B" might or might not like. Not everyone likes everything we do,so just " Go with the flow".If you have the self awareness to put down into words all that you wrote above, that means you are a serious writer who is passionate about his work.Most people haven't been lucky enough to find that in their lives.Good, or even great ideas will " live" when they're ready.It ain't easy,Brother, but what is? P.0)
